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Why is TrueBatten better than the alternatives?

3x Lighter Than Steel

Our Aluminium System Makes It Easy To Install

Much More Customisable

Each Fence Is Made To Your Specifications

Made To Be Stronger

Internal Stiffeners Make It Strong With Larger Heights

Wider Range Of Colours

We Can Powdercoat Any Colour, Even Woodlook!

Very DIY Friendly

Our Patented Non-Weld Systems Makes It Easy!

Order Easy DIY Kits

What is the True Batten system?

The TrueBatten fencing system emerges as the ultimate batten fencing solution, blending unparalleled innovation with practicality. Our patent-pending design is setting new benchmarks in the fencing industry by offering a seamless blend of easy assembly, modular versatility, and swift installation, all while maintaining a sleek, modern aesthetic devoid of horizontal rails or the need for welding.

  • Patent-pending design: Revolutionises the fencing industry with innovative assembly and installation.
  • Modular format: Offers unparalleled flexibility and customization for any project size or style.
  • No horizontal rails or welding: Ensures a sleek, modern appearance and simplifies the installation process.
  • Efficient: Eliminates the long wait for quotes, facilitating a quicker start to your fencing project.

In summary, TrueBatten is not just a product but a transformative fencing solution. Its thoughtful design marries aesthetics with functionality, allowing for a personalized touch to any outdoor space. For those seeking a blend of style, durability, and ease of installation, the TrueBatten system stands unmatched, offering a streamlined pathway to achieving your ideal fencing with minimal fuss and maximum satisfaction.

Why Aluminium?

Opting for aluminium as your fencing material offers a host of advantages, from enhanced durability to aesthetic versatility. Its unique combination of features ensures that your fencing is not only easy to install and customize but also stands the test of time in both functionality and appearance.

  • Internal Stiffener: Provides additional strength, making the fencing rigid and robust.
  • Screw Receivers: Facilitates straightforward assembly and seamless installation.
  • No Rust: Aluminium’s resistance to rust ensures long-lasting beauty without maintenance.
  • Lightweight: Eases handling and customization, allowing for flexibility in design.
  • Rigid yet Customisable: Despite its strength, aluminium can be easily tailored to fit specific aesthetic visions.

These characteristics highlight why aluminium is the superior choice for those prioritizing longevity, ease of use, and customizability in their fencing solutions.